The proponent of a new townhome subdivision near Cypress Park has revised their proposal, reducing the number of units to 33. The developer had earlier proposed 44 townhomes at 4430 Woodcrest Road, 4450 Woodcrest Road, 4460 Woodcrest Road, and 4504 Woodgreen Drive.
A successful proposal will have five townhouse buildings with vehicular access on the west side from Woodgreen Drive. As many as 75 parking spaces and 74 secure bike parking spaces will be provided. The 1.27 acre site has four lots, three of which have single-detached homes while one lot lies vacant.
The proposed townhouse units range in size from 1,210 to 1,766 square feet. The development will have a mixture of two and three bedroom units. However, the proposal has not been formally submitted as a rezoning and is still within the preliminary development application stage. It was last reviewed by council on February 14.
Overall, District staff feels the proposal can provide family oriented housing for the ‘missing middle,’ not widely available in West Vancouver for downsizers and first time homebuyers. If the project advances to a formal rezoning, more public consultation can be expected.
The proposal is being considered under Official Community Plan policy 2.1.7, which allows consideration of site-specific rezoning applications. The proponent, Symhony homes, had held a public information meeting on September 9, 2021.
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