3rd Richmond Sea Dragon Sea Scout Group has launched a campaign on www.gofundme.com to raise money for tents damaged by bears.
A black bear and its cub destroyed their campsite when they were camping in Mount Seymour Provincial Park on October 13. Luckily, all of the scouts were in the cabin at the time.
“It was kind of lucky, because we had actually been teaching the kids about bear safety the night before,” group leader Martin Yu told CBC. “We had that on our minds when it happened.”
“As a member of Scouts Canada and the World Scout Organization, the Sea Dragon Sea Scout Group is dedicated to providing a challenging and educational program aimed at training today’s youth to becoming tomorrow’s leaders. With over 30 years of history, served by many dedicated and experienced leaders who work together in providing an innovative and fun program for the youth, we are one of the most outstanding Sea Scout groups in the country,” they say.
They say they go camping three-four times a year and tents are essential for every camp.
“Our next camp is scheduled in January 2020 and we will need to raise funds to buy new tents. Please support us so we can continue to take our scouts to experience the nature, learn new skills and make lasting memories in future camps,” they say.
You can make donations on this page.
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