Going for a hike with your dog around Lynn Headwaters Regional Park or Rice Lake in North Vancouver? Metro Vancouver has announced that dogs must be on leash in the area after a vicious attack by a pack of coyotes on dogs.
Coyote pups and mothers are currently in the area, so for everyone’s safety, the Lynn Headwaters Connector Trail is on-leash only until further notice,” Metro Vancouver said. “Remember to be cautious and keep your dog on leash. Wildlife like coyotes and bears are active in the forest.”
The warning comes after a couple’s dog were attacked by a pack of five coyotes in the area. In a Facebook post, Diane Rizzardo said her fiancé and their two large dogs were attacked by a pack of five coyotes mid-day on the main trail near Rice Lake in Lynn Valley. “This seems to be a very aggressive pack of coyotes as both dogs and Elliott had bite wounds pretty extensively. We got lucky, so heads up and keep your eyes out and doggies close,” she wrote.
Metro Vancouver says they have seen an increase in coyote activity in the forested areas around Rice Lake, adding that the area has coyote mothers with young pups. Metro Vancouver staff is now posting signs of the off-leash rule in the area and urging people to follow the off-leash rule.
People are asked to report any incidents to the Conservation Officer Service R.A.P.P. line at 1-877-952-7277.
This is a bit misleading. Dogs are not allowed on the trail around Rice Lake, only the trail that goes from the Gazebo over to the Lynn Headwaters Trail and Lynn Loop Trail
I am so sick off entitled dog owners with their mutts running around me on the trails unleashed. Everyone just assumes the rules don’t apply to them. I’m rooting for the coyotes.
This is ridiculous. Let’s start with you are on a mountain with wild and domestic animals. This should not be a City off-leash issue. So sorry about your pet but that’s part of being in the bush. This is NOT common. That’s like saying there are bears and cougars on the NS so all humans should not be allowed on the mountains. The mountains should be for everyone off leash and the owness should be on the owners. I’ve been hiking my dogs here for 30 years. This is so provincial!!! Not happy. Thanks for the drama…not.