The 29th Street East joint CNV and DNV project is a big topic on the North Shore these days. The design that those involved with the creation of this project are following through with as I type this was not seen by the residents who live, work and play along this corridor. For example: the maps presented to residents in 2018 show bike lanes on one side and on-street parking on the other from Fromme Rd to just past William Ave. Less than two weeks before the project began, residents in both the City and District received a brief letter with maps that demonstrated otherwise.
This is just one example of how significant changes were made to the diagrams presented in 2018 without any further research, data collection, consultation or consideration to the residents.
Some of you may feel that we are arguing about convenience or that we have something against cyclists. Our issue is much more complex and dynamic. Mayor Little of the District and several of the councillors have stated that they inherited this project from the previous council. This is a gross attempt to avoid responsibility for not identifying where further input was needed in May 2019, before the new diagrams were voted on.
An example of where further input was needed comes with concerns being raised by those and for those with mobility impairments. This includes seniors that do not have a front driveway and cannot navigate a narrow, one way in and out back lane that then requires them to walk up a steep staircase in order to enter their home.
The only solution those involved with the creation and implementation of this project have suggested is to park on the nearest side street. When 200 vehicles are competing for on-street parking on the already full side streets, along with Car2Go in the city section of North Vancouver, these seniors are wondering how they will navigate from their vehicle to their home with groceries and other items. Consider the weather patterns of this area too. How far will their walk be and in what weather? How about when grandparents with walkers come to visit their families? It won’t even be possible for them to park briefly for a family member to assist them and then have that family member go locate side street parking for them or to be dropped off on the side of the street in front of the home they are visiting when dedicated bike lanes along both sides of 29th Street East from Fromme Rd to Royal Ave are installed.
There are many residents along 29th Street East who enjoy multi-generational living arrangements. They care for their loved ones and support each other. Are they now supposed to push their father-in-law or adult daughter in a wheelchair up hill, down hill to find the nearest crosswalk, in inclement weather as they navigate their way to the side street parking they managed to find but is four or five blocks away?
How about the people who are currently nursing their spouses with a variety of health issues that utilize on-street parking in front of their homes to assist them with getting wheelchairs in and out of vehicles, due to the inadequate off-street parking that they have on their properties? Health crises happen without warning, and most of us are not in the position to renovate our properties to accommodate unexpected mobility impairments. We are going to be spending our resources on navigating our finances, jobs, families and the health-care system.
We have families on our street who utilize HandyDART and have at-home care providers visit regularly. They have yet to be provided anything in writing regarding supportive solutions for the on-street parking in front of their homes being removed.
Transportation Section Manager Steve Carney talks about careful consideration for a safer, more accessible, sustainable community in his transportation study but in this document not once is there a voice for those with mobility impairments or for those who support friends, family and clients with such impairments. Mayor Little and those involved with the implementation of this project do not want to spend any further money or time identifying where further consideration is needed.
Advocating for my neighbours about the challenges of mobility impairment concerns is just one example of where further resources should have been spent before the final vote on this project happened.
How will cyclists feel when the garbage and recycling bins are on the bike lanes? Will the DNV and CNV be putting money into improving and maintaining the back lanes that do exist? Will the snow plows now have more high priority routes, including the back lanes? How about SPUD delivery or having a pizza delivered? Or the families needing to do drop off and pick up at the home-based daycares along 29th Street East?
DNV Councillor Muri requested Mayor Little and the council to meet with the 29th Street East residents prior to July 22, 2019 council meeting. We are looking forward to hearing from them but none of us have been contacted about a meeting by letter, email, phone, text or a knock on our front door yet.
Brenda Irving is a resident of 29th St. East.
The Councils of CNV and DNV may have changed since the last municipal election, but the staff that purposefully changed the plans were there throughout the process. So, ignorance is not an applicable excuse for them, who also haven’t replied to my email despite their letter saying “Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.” Right, Angus Pattison & Alexandra Deaconu?
There are no side streets on the north side of East 29th between Fromme & William. Can’t park on a non-existent street! Duh! Residents will have to jaywalk across to reach St. Christophers or Fromme… but… wait… those side streets are already always full of parked cars… so what are your plans there Mayor?? A long hike to Masefield or William? In the rain, dark, heat, cold, snow? All so that one or 2 bikes can travel freely past the old and crippled cursing taxpayers? How about licensing and training bikers to flow with the traffic? Solutions exist that leave East 29th as it is.
I’ve lived at my house on East 29th since 1969… I’m one month shy of 50 years living here and have seen many changes for the good, but nothing so screwed up as this scheme.
Ignorant twats who run council should be terminate for poor performance and endangerment to disability or elderly residents on street…..class action lawsuit….Now we have a sine white line added to bike lane for a secondhand in same direction high speed bike lane wtf….
There are other streets that go across the top of Lonsdale, from Edgemont to Lynn Valley road. and vice versa back to Edgemont and Capilano exit to freeway or to Park Royal.This route could defer some of the traffic from 29th with easy access to the mall and Mountain Highway. I use it more often now to avoid the freeway and Lonsdale. Just other routes to consider other than 29th. I don’t think anyone that bought on 29th St, 30 to 50 years ago could foresee the current traffic on it now. Possibly light rail on and off the North Shore with full disclosure of plan is a consideration with long term results. Speed bumps on 29th versus removal of parking would be welcome and have been proven to work. More traffic down 29th will cause stress at intersections even with light controls. My reference to traffic congestion on Keith road is very real. Getting in and out of the Lynn Valley mall with triple the traffic when it is already congested is a concern. We need alternative solutions not short term bandages. I would take out part of my front lawn to provide parking for our family. We live in single driveway zoning. I cannot widen the driveway under the current rules. When we offer partial solutions we would like some consideration back. Do I want to give up the front yard? Not really. Would I with some planning and flexibly on rules, yes. We have no back lane so that is not alternative. We are intelligent adults looking for long term solutions to the outcome of increased density to our single zoning area. Causing undue hardship on residents of 29th street by removal of street parking is a very short term solution which will compound the traffic conditions in the surrounding area. There are other routes and arteries that could move traffic.
This is what happens when your city council smokes drugs and aren’t educated. And the people accept it and carry on with life. Canadians are the most spineless people on the planet