If you tell people you have sighted an UFO, they will look twice at you. UFOs have been the stuff of cranky conspiracy theories for so long that you cannot hope to be taken seriously if you want to talk about them.
No more. The stigma has gone with the US government willing to investigate such incidents earlier dismissed as crazy theories or optical illusions.
The US Navy has now acknowledged the videos captured by Navy pilots and released by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences in 2017 and 2018.
The videos showed fast-moving objects presumed to be UFOs or the “unidentified aerial phenomena,” as the US Navy now calls it. These objects could well be just drones — or they could be alien craft. The Navy is now open to researching UFO sightings by its pilots.
In fact, the stigma attached to UFOs had prevented Navy pilots from reporting these objects for many years.
“For many years, our aviators didn’t report these incursions because of the stigma attached to previous terminology and theories about what may or may not be in those videos,” Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher told CNN yesterday while acknowledging the veracity of the video clips.
Programmes launched by the the US government to investigate UFOs have been shrouded in secrecy and failed to find or disclose anything substantial. Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was started by Pentagon in 207 was shuttered in 2012 for lack of funds.
Scientific dogma that dismissed every sighting of unidentified flying object as a drone, an optical illusion or anything but an alien craft is fading now as military pilots — who are experts unlike ordinary people capturing blurry UFO images on their cameras — report phenomena that leaves them puzzled. The moving objects pilots capture on their radars shock them for their sudden swerves at hypersonic speeds.
NYT reported in May this year that strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.
These can be atmospheric effects, glitches in radars or some secret military experiments. But mounting testimonies by experts such as military pilots will force the US government to investigate the phenomenon without being seen as splurging money on conspiracy theories.
To destigmatise UFOs, the US Navy had in April this year started drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with “unidentified aircraft,” a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyse the unexplained sightings.
This came in response to more and more pilots sighting highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military formations.
The stigma around UFOs may be gone but the deception and conspiracy still abound! The problem with this sound bite of information on the UFO and ETI subject is that the US Military (Army, Navy and Air force have known that this phenomenon was extraterrestrial in origin before the end of WWII. Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Dwight Eisenhower had discussed the matter several times at great length due in part to the Feu (Foo Fighter) sightings over the European and Pacific Theaters of war.
Even, Nazi Germany had retrieved a crashed alien spacecraft in 1939 in the Bavarian forest with its ET pilots still alive and were reverse engineering it with help of these human looking ETs. This alien technology is what Hitler was referring to as the “Wunder Waffen” which had it been massed produced would have changed the outcome of the WWII in favour of Nazi Germany and perhaps, Japan as they were allies.
This secret development was leaked so that the Allied Forces of the US, Britain, Russian, Canada and France were all trying to get into a defeated Germany to grab their Nazi scientists and their super secret advanced weapons of war, namely the flying saucer project and the V2 rocket missile!
There are still World War Two secret that have not been released to the public sector and one of them is the man made UFOs (flying saucers). No wonder that after the War, Canada began its own flying saucer program under Avro Company leadership and had develop the hovering saucer Avrocar which the US funded and took great interest in its development (even, the Avro Arrow aircraft which was nearly three decades ahead of anything developed or built by the US).
The term UFO was also adopted by the the US and UK military and disseminated into the public consciousness to confuse any public interest in the subject in the hopes that as untrained witnesses they would be persuaded that what they saw as alien to our environment was merely a plane, a balloon, a planet or swamp gas!
Today, the US military along with various intelligence agencies is still playing the propaganda game of deception and disinformation, by renaming the UFO subject as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).
They hope to confuse a younger generation of adults who, perhaps are not fully aware of this phenomenon to influence their thinking, therefore portraying the phenomenon as potentially hostile with their AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) and the likes of pop singer Tom DeLonge who is an unwitting patsy of the US military.
The only threat to planet Earth is not from ETI but, from aggressive warring nations of Earth, like the USA, Russia, China, etc.
By getting such news media like CNN, FOX, NYT and Washington post, etc. to broadcast this new Navy position on UFOs/UAPs is a public disservice that feeds into the propaganda campaign of deception. This means that such media networks are controlled from within by government/ military/ intelligence shills!
The news today with regard to the UFo subject matter is all about “Giggle Factor” in Journalism, “Sanitizing” and “Spin Doctoring” the News especially when their are public witnesses to a UFO event!
Remember, journalists for decades have made the best government spy informants or in the case of UFOs and ETI, disinformants!
One further point on what the Navy air Force pilots knows, back in the late fities the US Military issued a Joint-Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 147 (JANAP 147) and the Air Force Regulation 200-2 (AFR 200-2) (1953, 1954, 1958) to basically to tell all pilots whether military or commercial not to reports sightings and incidents of UFOs in or near their aircraft under severe penalty of the law!
This is fact, which seems to have been deliberately overlooked by the news media and it’s now time for the news media to stand up and be the fifth estate as they were intended to be by calling the bluff of the US Navy, Army and Air Force, etc. on this subject.
It’s time for some real honest and truthful disclosure of information that agrees with the public perception on the peaceful visitations of Extraterrestrial Intelligences coming to our planet and ti either ignore the military disinformation or to present them with the historical documented facts of the covert coverups.
The public is more than mature and capable enough of handling the truth!!!
I am a UFO researcher with 65 years of personal UFO sightings and ETI encounters since I was five years old and have written six textbook volumes on this subject in the series “A Citizen’s Disclosure on UFOs and ETI”, so I know what I am talking and writing about!