As a nation, Canadians value their time off work. But are they actually taking the vacation time they’re entitled to?
According to a new study commissioned by leading travel company Skyscanner, 96 per cent of Canadians say it’s important for them to take time off work, but only 66 per cent take all of the time they’re owed – which may be attributed to a rising workplace trend called “vacation shaming.”
The study of 1,000 Canadians and 500 Americans, conducted by research firm Maru/Blue, showed that 50 per cent of Canadians have experienced vacation shaming, wherein co-workers or bosses use guilt or peer pressure to discourage employees from using their vacation time.
The trend is most prevalent among millennials, with nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) saying they’ve encountered vacation shaming in the workplace.
When it comes to vacation shaming, not all provinces are created equal. Regionally, Quebeckers and British Columbians are least likely to have experienced vacation shaming, at 26 per cent and 41 per cent respectively.
Trends differ south of the border, too, with only 57 per cent of Americans taking all their vacation time, and 58 per cent saying they’ve experienced vacation shaming, an increase of eight per cent over Canadians.
“Many of us assume that taking time off will negatively impact our career trajectory, but evidence suggests employees that take their vacation have increased productivity, creativity, and decreased stress and risk of burnout, making them more likely to get promotions and raises,” said Dr. Lisa Bélanger, a behaviour change expert who specializes in helping employees maximize their mental and physical well-being. “Ultimately, the payoffs are significant for both the employer and the employee.”
In pursuit of rest and relaxation, the process of requesting time off can be a stressor itself. Millennials across Canada are most likely to feel nervous, stressed, worried, guilty or ashamed when asking for time off work (33 per cent), compared to Gen X at 17 per cent and Boomers at 12 per cent.
They were also least likely to say they use all their vacation time, with only 60 per cent taking all the time they’ve earned.
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