For those who know me, they know that I love this community and feel built for this work. The question really is, why am I running as a team?
I was strongly encouraged to run independently. As we know, there is no controlling who gets elected and if anything this past council demonstrated, if you can’t get along as a council, you lose all your influence with staff and ultimately the respect of the community.
The reason I joined the team is I really enjoy collaborating and helping good people along. I want to give the community the feeling that they are in good hands and responsible respectful decisions will be made. Running as an un-incumbent and independent is hard and intimidating. You are at a huge disadvantage to incumbency. I’ve seen many good candidates give a pass because it seems hostile and combative. True, it can be. But it doesn’t have to be. I’ve seen candidates bullied and harassed, by incumbents, out of running – who needs that? If I can use all I know to elevate good people into the position, support them and have their back, I’ll do it.
We are all unique individuals and independent thinkers who won’t agree on everything BUT we do agree on the fundamentals of good governance, common sense, transparency and fiscal responsibility.
Finally, I thought it was important for me with the insights and experience I have as an incumbent, to step up and let the community know what type of leadership I believe we need right now. I believe that the leader is Mark Sager.
Communities throughout the region are in crisis. COVID sets everyone back, we struggle to attract and retain staff and the long time neglect of our transportation systems leaves us in gridlock and that is not a quick or easy fix. We need a visionary, negotiator and bold distinctive person face to face with Metro and the Province.
Experience matters in these times.. A vision full of innovative ideas and the know-how to achieve them is necessary. You need a strong bold experienced Mayor who is willing to have the hard conversations and drive decisions that are best for our community to get us back on track. You need a strong council who have their feet on the ground, are fiscally responsible and respect the community we are.
Many people approached me about running for Mayor. If we were in more stable times where a Mayor is just a vote, sets the tone and agenda for meetings and is an ambassador to the community, I may have given it consideration. But even then, I felt another term on council would be ideal.
I am running because I care about and want to represent our residents. I am part of a team because this is not just about me and I can’t do this alone. Our team lifts me up and gives me hope that we can make West Vancouver a place where we can all feel safe, secure and valued. A place where we belong.
Agree and well said.